A digital marketer who is passionate about search engine technology. A technical content writer at times!
Keep Track Of IT Problems & Priorities with Close IT Help Desk Software

Keep Track Of IT Problems & Priorities with Close IT Help Desk Software

September 14, 2018

Focusing on customer service is something no business can overlook, these days. Amidst strong competition and growing awareness among the customers, no company can rely on just promotional offers and digital marketing to woo and retain the customers. For offering great customer…

The Ugly Truth about ITSM

The Ugly Truth about ITSM

April 6, 2018

ITSM, or Information Technology Service Management or IT Service Management, was a new and emerging buzzword a while back. It is now considered to be the go-to solution for all IT-related issues. Whenever there is an issue, minor or major, in any…