Tips for Effective Ad & Bid Strategies in AdWords ReMarketing Campaigns

Google remarketing is a fantastic tool for online advertisers to bring back site visitors who left without converting. The right ad and bid strategies in your remarketing campaigns can help better target this valuable audience group and motivate them to come back and complete a transaction.

Here are some tips to help you optimize these two aspects:

Develop Strategic Ad Copy

Tailor AdWords remarketing ads by making them more specific to how the audience in remarketing lists behaved during site visits. Based on which pages they visited, how much time they spent there and what actions they tried to take, create custom and compelling ad copy that entices them to come back. Include a strong call-to-action to give them an extra push.

Nurture Generic Traffic

Nurture low-value bounce traffic such as home page visitors by serving ads linked to landing pages that educate – this way you’ll prime them for future conversions. Review Google remarketing campaigns on a regular basis and if you notice a fall in CTRs, consider adjusting the messaging and design of ads to make them fresh and appealing.

Ensure Maximum Ad Visibility

Make ad creative in all sizes and formats such as display and text in order to optimize message reach and target different networks. Make sure ads appear sleek and professional. Use Ad Gallery, the free AdWords ad creation tool to select appropriate templates, colours, images and logos. Partner a professional internet marketing agency offering remarketing services for unique and top quality ads that grab users’ attention.

Bid According to Audience Value

While determining budgets, take into account the value of audience in your remarketing lists. Shopping cart abandoners and conversion abandoners are worth more than site visitors who checked your home page because they were further down the sales funnel and are more likely to convert. Allot higher budget for AdWords remarketing campaigns that target these audiences to maximize outreach.

Consider Automated Bid Optimization

Consider automated bid optimization tools such as the Conversion Optimizer for real-time bid optimizations and maximum ROI. If you prefer a hands-on approach, use clever manual bid strategies to improve remarketing campaign performance. If a remarketing campaign is doing well, increase the bid to increase ad exposure, obtain better ad position and reach more customers.

Adopt Clever Manual Bid Strategy

If you have remarketing lists with different membership durations, bid more aggressively on the audience group that is more valuable to you. If you have a remarketing list with the audience who visited your site in the past seven days and another list with the audience that visited your site in the past thirty days, bid more on the first group. To avoid targeting seven-day visitors in both lists, create a custom bid for thirty-day membership list and make it less aggressive.

Test and tweak these strategies for best results! For holistic strategies covering every single aspect of a remarketing campaign, consult a professional agency offering AdWords management services!

Ajay Sharma is a contributing editor at TechWebSpace. Ajay writes about organic and paid online marketing topics including PPC AdWords, and also writes about connecting the dots between digital media and real-world user behavior. He can be found on Twitter as @shandilyaajay.