Email marketing is proved to be one of the best strategies for lead generation. Find out how it works, and your business needs it.
Do you have a website that needs an influx of target audience? This material will teach you how to attract new visitors who are interested in your offer through competent e-mail newsletters. Email is not in vain, considered one of the best ways to e-commerce.
Of course, there are other ways to keep in touch with customers – through a contact phone, social networks, or personal meetings in the office or through instant messengers. But you can hardly find the same simple but at the same time effective way, like digital marketing via e-mail.
First Three Steps to Do Before You Run an Email Campaign
Create an email database
Surprisingly, many entrepreneurs generally do not have any list of addresses of their customers. Others rarely update such a list and do not follow its relevance.
Start by creating two lists. Fill in the first email addresses of existing customers, and in the second “electronic” potential consumers. This will not cause you any difficulties.
Do not buy ready-made databases of electronic mailboxes. All studies prove the ineffectiveness of mailing letters to purchased addresses. Collect electronic products from your customers by selling them services or products. Encourage site visitors to subscribe to the newsletter while leaving a real email address.
Create Your Newsletter
Use the easiest way to start an email marketing campaign – send out at least once a month’s newsletters. Your company is one of the best in its niche. Share useful information that has made you a leader with your existing and potential customers and partners.
Create Unique Newsletter for Specific Audience
Once you cope with your monthly newsletters, start creating a few individual newsletters. It helps you to attract more attention from specific customers, and they will no longer ignore your professional emails, as it underlines their importance for your business. This process is time-consuming, but it is it that brings maximum results.
Create and send letters to your customers to help them solve any problems related to your field of activity. Send these letters exclusively to signatories. This will allow you to work with a motivated audience.

Determine Your Main Target of Emails
Any serious action that is performed without a specific goal is doomed to failure. This also applies to the development of commercial sites using digital e-mail marketing. Even before creating content for distribution, potential customers need to decide what goal they plan to achieve. For example:
- Launch of a new product and informing the audience about this event;
- Promotion of an event or sale of specific goods and services;
- Offer with individual discounts, description of the conditions of the shares;
- Withdrawal of the buyer who has previously bought the products for re-purchase.
This is only part of the tasks that can be accomplished through competent digital marketing by mail. It must be remembered that one letter should focus only on one goal. It’s not worthwhile to offer a discount on the header of the letter, advertise new products in the body of the message, and finally, invite for sale. This puts a lot of pressure on the client, prompts him to get rid of the discomfort quickly – close the letter.
Your Title Must Always be Catchy
It can be noted that in almost half of the cases, it is the heading (topic) that prompts you to open the newsletter.
In the subject line, you need to attach as much meaning as in the body of the letter. If the content of the email header does not catch the subscriber, the newsletter will remain unread. Here are some heading tips:
An issue affecting the issue
The question in the title of the letter subconsciously makes the person answer this question. In the process of this, a person as if passes a question through himself, and in any case, pays attention to a letter with an issue in the subject. Example: “How much is an hour of your work?”
The solution to the problem
This is the opposite of the previous case when the topic does not ask a question but offers the client an answer or a solution to the problem. When it is possible to get a ready-made solution, it is difficult for a person to resist. In the subject line, you can write, for example, “Where to get a lot of money and immediately.”
Link to personal experience
Much more trust in people arises to those who have achieved something from their own experience, and not just claim it. It is enough to write in the subject “How I lost 20 kilograms in 3 weeks”, and for people with the problem of overweight, this will be an incentive to read. You can also refer to the experience of a famous person.

Make Sure to Include Call-to-Action
In a call to action, formulate the goal that you want to achieve as briefly and attractively as possible for the customer. Here are just some of the options that can and should be used in a call to action in the body of the letter:
- Buy now;
- Become a member
- Reserve a place for yourself;
- Choose a style that suits you;
- Earn your reward.
We advise you to make the call not in the form of a hyperlink or plain text, but the button format. Statistics of e-mail newsletters show that the use of prominent buttons can increase conversion by 28% compared to a hyperlink and plain text.
Control and Manage Email Marketing Efficiency
It is significant to monitor the effectiveness of electronic mailing. This is necessary in the first place so that you know whether it is required to adjust the distribution parameters, and to what extent. Here is a sample list of fundamental indicators:
Click-through rate: This indicator is somewhat similar to conversion, but it takes into account the ratio of the number of customers who came through the letter to the site to the number of customers who opened and read the message. The higher the CTR, the more interesting the newsletter for subscribers, the higher the efficiency.
The level of complaints and unsubscribes: It is believed that with the number of refusals and complaints more than 1% of the total number of readers, you need to think about editing the content and reducing the number of clearly advertising letters.
Conversion: This indicator refers to the ratio of the number of customers who have acted for the total number of customers who have read the letter. An essential action can be understood as buying a product, downloading an application on a site, etc. The higher the conversion, the better.
If you are actively using e-mail newsletters to develop your commercial site, you are already on the right track. No need to abandon this tool if it does not show effectiveness in your case. However, it is worth changing the approach to organizing mailing and creating content for distribution.