We all know how hard it is to get good digital marketing questions and answers from highly renowned experts. You would have to shell out lots of cash just to get the information you need. If you’ve ever had questions about digital marketing, we want to introduce you to the 10 best digital marketing sites to get your questions answered like ProProfs Discuss, Quora and more.
Some websites give you the opportunity to interact with other experts who understand the importance of leads in small business. They come together to share ideas and answers some key questions for digital marketing. Below is a list that tells you the best digital marketing platforms to ask your questions and get them answered.
ProProfs Discuss
It is one of the leading digital marketing questions and answers website where biz gurus and newbies can come together to talk about questions that matter concerning digital marketing. The best part is you can sign up for free and get into discussions right away to find answers.
You will also get alerts from ProProfs Discuss whenever your question gets answers. Then, look out for the emails that also provide you with additional info. Hop on to this discussion forum and ask questions about virtually anything concerning digital marketing and how it affects your brand. With this platform, you can even generate links that lead back to your site, thereby boosting visitor traffic.
You might be surprised to find Twitter on this list, just like many others. This is because most people do not see Twitter as a platform that focuses on questions and answers. But thanks to the @ feature, you can tweet digital marketing questions to an expert just by mentioning them. With some luck, you can use this interactive platform to reach out to experts at any time and stand a high chance of getting replies.
You can also use hashtags to post questions that will be seen by the relevant audience who are ever willing to post their opinions and help you out.
The Q and A forum of Moz offers an easy platform to ask and answer digital marketing questions. But there’s a catch – You can read any of the questions posted on the website, but to post and respond to Q&A questions, you need to have a Moz Pro subscription or you have to be a registered community member with 500+ MozPoints.
Warrior Forum
This is one of those forums for digital marketers where they can not only ask questions but also promote themselves heavily. It features a variety of marketing tools plus reviews about them by people after testing such tools, which can come in handy for any digital marketer. Question threads about free software, internet marketing products and more abound.
This list cannot be complete without mentioning Quora. Launched about a decade ago by two of Facebook’s ex-employees, the platform has gone on to become a highly renowned place for discussions and answers. It currently has a database of users numbering in millions and you will find digital marketing experts discussing different topics such as basic definitions, latest trends and tools plus strategies etc.
Yahoo Answers
This is also a good platform that engages millions of people from various parts of the world. You’ll be awarded points each time you provide answers to questions and the points increase based on the quality of your answers. As you increase your points, your privileges also multiply to give you a more boosted profile.
Did you know that Stack Exchange has an estimated viewership of more than 64 million people every month? This is because experts and beginners from around the world find the site to be very attractive and can interact with the different subsites on the platform. You can talk about different topics and you will learn quite a lot about digital marketing to improve your knowledge
Whatever your key questions for digital marketing are, from trends to topics, this website is a platform for you to publish questions or even provide answers. Upvotes or downvotes are used to rate questions and answers.
Small Business Forum.net
This forum is especially meant for people to hobnob with entrepreneurs and experts specializing in the ways to manage small businesses. Whether you want to know how to promote your website and business on the internet or how to manage web traffic, this site has various threads with multiple answers on solving queries of small business owners. The digital marketing experts here understand the importance of leads in small business and are always keen to provide answers to questions.

There are more than 200 million users in this community and you are required to join before answering any questions.
Final Thoughts On the Best QnA Digital Marketing Sites
There are lots of benefits that come from using question and answer platforms like ProProfs Discuss, Moz or Warriors Forum to find answers to your most pressing digital marketing problems. This is because these websites are built to collectively solve the marketing problems big and small. All you have to do is interact on this website and connect with your preferred niche.
It also gives you the opportunity to grow your connections through the helpful answers that you provide to any question. Soon, you might even notice that people click through to get to your website so that you can know and learn more about you.