Why did Mark Zuckerberg move WhatsApp workloads from IBM’s cloud to private colocation? Is it because of recent Facebook’s data breach?

Following the announcement, it was quite sure that workloads from WhatsApp would be moved
from IBM’s cloud to private colocation.

WhatsApp has more than one billion users all over the world. But the main problem is used on IBM’s, because WhatsApp run across thousands of servers in different data centres.

Although WhatsApp was one of the biggest users of IBM’s cloud, it becomes clears that this app needs its own colocation and place to store massive files from this chat app.

After changing privacy policy of WhatsApp and Facebook it becomes clear that those two social networks share some data between them.

This data migration from IMB’s cloud to private location caused losing many high profile users.

And also this moving caused IMB’s losing more than two million dollars per month.

It still remains question – why?

Like Mark Zuckerburg said, mainly to separate world’s famous application fromFacebook’s Messenger.

We can specify one reason – prioritization. The same thing which happened to Instagram when it is bought by Facebook.

cloud to private colocation

Other reason may be collecting data from users and making data analytics profiles.

Third may be – earnings.It is well known that users of WhatsApp and other social media send billions of text messages, pictures on holidays likeNew Year or Christmas.

And another reason, how they said from Facebook is to enable the better function of this application. Same as the Google made with their apps.
But, the big question is – how and will it provide safety for users and prevent the data breach?

Because, once it is private, that is almost belonging to founders and Byers.

Facebook not only moved WhatsApp from IBM’s cloud to private colocation but moved Instagram and manage to build a private data centre for information about Facebook users.

Moving internet traffic from IBM’s cloud to private location saved Facebook billion of dollars.

This company provided making unique server cloud, different from public.

Said in everyday language- public cloud is separated, chopped. The private server is whole.

But, what will happen to users of this popular texting app? Their private information and chats are stored inFacebook private cloud. That move indicated lawsuit in India, based on abuse of people privacy.

Looking this move from a place of IBM, this isn’t quite a big deal. IBM has more respected and powerful users like Netflix.

Facebook is already spending the huge amount of money and It would be nonsense to pay millions per year for public cloud because they have their own private colocation.

It is easier to manage all files and data from one place. Anyway, Facebook didn’t provide as much information as we expected about this particular move.

One thing is sure – a buyer of WhatsApp, the Facebook company has deeper and hidden reasons for moving WA to the private location.

They would invest money savings into other activities and into the development of better private cloud and better information analysis.

Data collection centre of Facebook now has all information about users of Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp settled in one colocation. It doesn’t necessarily mean that they will abuse their position and use those
data in criminal acts.

Giriraj Kumawat is a good experience writer, blogger and social media promoter by providing valuable information. He loves to write about on lot more general categories with useful information which help to get more ideas. Skype : girirajkum