What is the right way to learn if the web design is good or bad? Well, to be very honest, there is no such difference between a bad or good design for a website. A number of people claim that they know how to judge a website design if it is good or bad; however, it is yet not certain if they know it indeed or merely a thought. So, here you will get to know some certain elements that make a web design actually good and help businesses to grow their involvement with their target audience.
Before we start explaining our ways to make an engaging web design, we must clear this fact that a good web design cannot be measured with the style of font, visual effects or any such elements. But, there are other practical things that make a difference in a good design and bad.
The good website design is based on some big rules of designing that must have precision and compliance. With a good web design, you can expect great benefits like higher conversion rate, business growth and popularity and brand awareness in your target audience.
By choosing services of an expert website designing company, you can certainly get a high quality and highly engaging web design that will help you beat your rivals in the business. Though the experts working in a reputed website designing company knows all about a good web design, but if you decide to create on your own, you need to be familiar with these ways to make a compelling design for your site.
Choose Web Design For A Remarkable Website Creation, Function & Feel –
When it comes to a great web design, it is not merely about good looks, but also about its functioning. As a website is not just a machine, you cannot rely on simple coding or a certain recipe of a web design. It cannot be programmed, created or automated by you. So, think of something extra when working on your website design. All and all, a great website design is that which helps you connecting with an audience and that helps you to reach out the maximum number of people and features great interactions. Therefore, our idea about a great web design is based on an interactive and engaging website design that helps businesses to connect with the target audience.
Now, let’s elaborate different ways to implement a good web design –
Design the website for Human Beings, not for Bots – A website serves information to living human beings who have some queries or search for certain products and services. So, when you start thinking of a website design, you should think from the users’ perspective and here, users are humans, not bots. So, an ideal website design is the one that has an effort to put a good first impression on users. The interaction with users of your site should be fully human or user-friendly. No user prefers a site where he or she would be assisted by bots or an automated system.
So, when you design a site that is human-centric, your efforts will be to make it simple to use and has less complexity for people to use it for another level. Your design should be around the actions of people and the way visitors expect a site to work. Moreover, by giving solutions to various problems of users, you can enhance the overall experience of users on your site. The common issues that users encounter in a poor web design are:
- Clickable Items are not easy to recognise?
- Inconsistent website layout makes it difficult to users to learn where they are actually
- Problem in reading content rightly due to too small and unsuitable colour contrast within text and background colour.
These are some issues and elements that often found in a poor web design that no online user prefer. These elements encourage people to exit the website and they never prefer to come back on it. So, when you try to design an engaging and interactive website with superior user experience, you should eradicate all these above-mentioned issues from there. The only recommendation here is to use high quality typography that is human friendly.
Moreover, when your website addresses or serve older demographics, the typography has to be even larger, better and more contrast than before. Always focus on what users require and how to satisfy them rightly.
Web Design For Human Emotions –
To make a decision online, emotions can prove to be a great contributor. So, there is no way to ignore the value of using emotion in the website design. It is entirely related to the feelings of real people who are your target audience or online users. With the right use of certain shapes, icons, fonts, colours and images, you can influence the feeling of users for a product, brand or service. Today, all big brands like Starbucks, Apple etc. take advantage of human emotions by using them to make influential marketing strategies. Here are few guidelines to add emotions in website designing.
Think of Positivity in the Design it is a thumb rule of web designing to develop only positive vision or thinking in online users or target audience for your site. There is no place for a bad feeling for a business in web designing. For this purpose, take help of positive icons such as smiley faces, check marks, thumbs-up signals etc. There are many actions that also can be implemented to add positivity to a website. For instance:
- Display a rewarding smiley on completion of a task.
- Present check-marks on correctly filled fields in the online forms.
- Go with an add-to-cart option in green colour.
- Progress bar to be used in a form of multi-pages.
Design a site around a compelling story –
It is no way functional to design web pages as a complex dashboard filled with so many things in it. So, we suggest not to over-use with elements like CTA, buttons, or any kind of distractive elements. On this place, modern websites use storytelling concept that engages audience very well. So, use this element of storytelling in your site as it will tell your audience why they should choose you and how you are better than others.
For this purpose, design a web layout which improves exploring of the site among the audience. Keep the web content in a progressive and narrative order. Utilise an easy vertical website design that features simple visual flow and movement.
The process will start with an attractive heading and then, a simple and small description. After that, give visitors an insight into your offered products and their exclusive features and display stories of customers by listing people on the site. At last, lead with a catchy CTA to improve conversion of the site.