The fact is worth mentioning that, there are about 2.8 million apps on the Google play store and 2.2 million apps on Apple App store. Each year there is a significant increment in this number of apps on the app store. The latest technology trends being introduced continuously like AR, VR, IoT etc. has great contribution in mobile app development field and thereby in the profusion of apps.
Many of the organizations and small businesses are effectively utilizing these newest technology trends to build amazing mobile applications as a tool for branding, direct marketing, increasing customer engagement, and so on.
In 2018 also, you will come across many such remarkable trends and mobile app development tools which can be well utilized to make more and more outstanding applications for business or any specific purpose.
Check out some of the Best Mobile App Development Tools and Trends in 2018
#1 On-Demand Apps
On demand app development is the new mushrooming trend in the app market. Because of their comfortable, convenient, and affordable offerings, on-demand apps have been obtaining immense popularity and many of the organizations considering this as the best opportunity for app startup.
#2 IoT and Wearable Apps
In 2017 the terms smart home, industrial IoT, smart cities, automotive industry, smart retail and smart health was greatly in talks. As the demand for connected devices increasing considerably, there will be demand for apps for these devices as well. Hence in 2018 developers and mobile app development companies are challenged to bring more innovation in IoT apps development and build more effectual IoT enabled and wearable apps.
#3 Cloud-Based Apps Development
This is one of the most trending categories of mobile app development. Cloud technology has made it easier to get data instantly, easily and without having any effect on internal phone memory. There will be more and more cloud driven apps like Google Drive and Dropbox.
#4 Accelerated Mobile Pages
The AMP project introduced by Google makes it possible to accelerate page loading on smartphones and other mobile devices. Further, Google has also confirmed that AMP will offer an isolated search index for the mobile web. This could be one of the best marketing and mobile app development tools. With AMP developers are able to build web apps having improved page loading speed.
#5 Android Instant Apps
Mobile apps that function like a website can have a good impact on users, due to their convenient approach. Android instant apps allow you to have all the benefits of your app on your website, with a click. These apps run seamlessly as if loading a web page and also saves more space on your mobile device
#6 Mobile Payments
Apps like Apple Pay and Google Wallet are proving to be an excellent alternative for conventional online payment options like internet banking and debit/credit card. Mobile payment is the big endowment in m-commerce field that will, even more, flourish in 2018.
#7 AR/VR App Development
The use of AR/VR has expanded beyond the game and entertainment purpose. Diverse industries like retail, engineering, real estate, healthcare and automotive, will be utilizing these technologies for different purposes like improving business functionalities and increasing productivity. VR technology will be more centered on game and events area.
#8 Enterprise Apps and BYOD
Since myriads of businesses are adopting “Bring Your Own Device” approach, there will be high demand for the hybrid enterprise applications. Hybrid apps appear in apps form; however they are basically mobile websites. Hybrid apps help decrease the speed and cost of mobile app development procedure. In 2018 over half of the world’s companies will require adopting BYOD method.
#9 Application Security
Since the security is becoming an essential aspect of digital space, apps with built-in features are greatly in demand. Developers now tend to implement more effective security technologies with their apps. In 2018 app developers are expected to put more efforts to make apps safer and powerful.
#10 Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots
Businesses, especially e-commerce businesses are getting significant benefits from the new customized and conversational e-commerce. In 2018 the trend of chatbots will be carried out and there will be some new experiments with the chatbots. In 2017 AI has proved its potential with the excellent applications like Siri, Prisma, Alexa and in 2018 the AI mobile application development trend is expected to be intact.
As each year comes with such innovative trends, indirectly there will be an increase in competition to remain ahead to best utilize these trends. When it comes to mobile app development, undoubtedly it’s necessary to implement these tools and trends with mobile apps so as to make them capable enough to survive in the app market. Do you want to build your app with the integration of new technology solutions like AR, VR, IoT, iBeacon, etc? Contact us to discuss your app requirement and acquire the exact mobile app development solution.