If you don’t know by now, machine learning has been slowly but effectively disrupting industries across the globe for the better. Much like artificial intelligence, it is revolutionizing the way we operate. It works by creating clever algorithms and applying them to businesses to make them more efficient. So, what are the industries already being majorly impacted by machine learning? See below the top 5:
One of the most talked about things over the past few years has been the notion of driverless cars. Companies such as Google and Uber have been testing out their own versions of what a driverless car may look like in the future. The idea is to make the roads safer for everyone by curbing dangerous driving. There have been a few bumps on the way in the development of this technology, so it may be some time before we see it fully come into use.
Machine learning is also being used by Google who has teamed up with Rolls Royce to create the world’s first self-driving ship. They anticipate it will be ready to set sail as early as 2020, though there’s plenty of work to do and the ship will need to take on the tasks of a crew of around 20.
Education is an industry greatly benefiting from machine learning technology. It’s able to assist teachers in their daily work while improving the standards of learning for pupils. Machine learning can alleviate teachers of menial tasks to allow them to get on with more important jobs. A computer can be programmed to sift through thousands of questions and then cherry pick the best ones to create a test, on any given subject. This is an excellent tool for generating quizzes and compiling assignments.
Machine learning is currently being used in hospitals and surgeries across the country thanks to its life-saving capabilities. Computers can be used to help with diagnosis, prescriptions, treatments and even medical procedures. This method of diagnosis can also predict the issues a patient may face in the future. The idea is that in the future, the technology will develop so much so that it could help in the search for a cure for cancer.
Software Development
When it comes to software development, machine learning and artificial intelligence are truly in their element. It’s already being used to help with the stages in mobile app development, particularly for gamers. The combination of machine learning skills such as deep learning and natural language processions can help developers build better software, and faster. It’s conceivable that all software will be developed with the assistance of machine learning and artificial intelligence to some degree.
Retail is perhaps one of the more obvious industries where the general public is seeing the signs of machine learning come to life. Supermarkets and other retailers have already taken advantage of self-checkouts, backed by AI technology. They’ve not only helped with employee workload but also made the shopping process faster for customers.
What’s more, for online companies, chatbots have been able to increase the amount of data collected from the customer. Computers are able to process large amounts of data and learn from past experiences to create a more refined approach to customer service. This has the potential to be developed further to replace the tasks of employees like stock room organising.