Instagram. With more than 800 million people currently using this social media platform on a monthly basis, it has seemingly exploded in growth, increasing by 100 million active engagers each and every year since 2014. What makes it so popular?
Arguably, one of the tops draws to Instagram is that it is image-based. In this day and age, this enables us to keep up with our family, friends, and favorite influencers quickly and easily. No more reading lengthy posts to see what everyone is up to. Instead, all we have to do is look at an image and we’re now up to date.
However, like with other social media sites, there are a few things you can do to make your experience on this platform even more pleasurable. In other words, by knowing just a few hacks, you can ensure that your time spent on Instagram time is a time that is well spent. Here are three to consider.
How to Control What Goes on Your Profile
Obviously, if you post something on Instagram, it’s going to go on your profile. But others can tag you in their posts, putting those on your profile too. The problem with this is that, sometimes, you don’t want these other posts visible to all of your followers. So, how can you stop this from happening?
To prevent someone else’s posts from just appearing on your profile, you need to adjust your settings so that you have to manually approve each one. To do this, simply tap the image that you’ve been tagged in, go to “Tagging Options” and click on “Add Manually.” Then, each time you’re tagged in a post, you’ll be notified and given the option to either show or hide it from your profile.
How to Easily Find (and Use) Your Favorite Filters
If you post on Instagram regularly, then you know that it can be a huge time suck to go through the list of filters available in search of your favorite ones each time you want to edit an image. That’s why it helps to know how to reorder them, putting the ones that you use the most at the top of your list.
As Instagram explains in their online Help Center, adding, hiding, or rearranging your filters is possible by uploading an image, going to the “Manage” option at the end of your list of filters, tapping on the filter you’d like to move, and dragging it to the top (by holding your finger on the three grey lines). Just be sure to tap “Done” after you’ve completed this task to ensure that the new arrangement sticks.
How to Create Your Own Custom Hashtags
If you’re old enough to remember when the internet was first invented, then you probably equate hashtags solely with Twitter. Yet, this trend has spread to the other forms of social media as well, making them a great way to easily search for certain topics or ideas that interest you most. But how can you make the best use of them?
As dropshipping expert Oberlo explains, if you’re trying to increase your Instagram likes, there are many online tools that can help you achieve this goal. For instance, All Hashtag, Instagram Tags, and HashtagsForLikes are online Instagram hashtag generators that can help you come up with your own unique hashtags based on your business or field. Choose tags that are trending, or have the ability to be, and you’re well on your way to grow your platform.
Do these three things and you’ll likely enjoy your Instagram experience even more. Pass them along to your friends and you can also help this site keep up with its monstrous growth, giving it even more power in the years to come.