When it comes to wrestling simulation games, the only name which comes to mind-not due to lack of other titles but due to the soaring popularity- is the WWE 2K18 game. In fact, even when the previous WWE 2K17 game was massively appreciated, fans and gaming enthusiasts have been asking what the new game will feature and how the developers and the publishers can further improve the game. For those who are asking the latter question, we have a comprehensive WWE 2K18 wishlist which, we hope, will be able to quench their appetite.
WWE 2K18 Wishlist: What Can We Look Forward to?
The list below is a fan-made wishlist of WWE 2K18 features which, if incorporated, will benefit the new game immensely. As and when new updates are available, we will keep on updating the list.
- Better Weight Detection: This is an essential feature in our wishlist for WWE 2K18. Remember that even in real life matches, which is the inspiration behind the games, true weight is often a deciding factor over which athlete faces whom. If the game too, has better true weight detection built in, it will not only give the players a better control over the competition; it will benefit the game itself.
- Free the Ladders: Whenever we play the game, we are restricted by the ladder climbing sequences, and every fan knows that the ladders are part and parcel of every big ticket games. Ladders have become a legend in real life games as well: just look over some of Stone Cold Steve Austin’s and The Rock’s old matches. The ladder, if used correctly, can be a significant gain for the game overall.
- Open World Wrestling: Who cares about the ring when there is so much space to wrestle? Did you just spot your least favorite heel in the parking lot? Why not take him or her on right then or there? The WWE 2K18 wishlist will be the richer if this feature is now included.
- Make your own promos: This way, the new game will be more customizable. Also, it will create the right amount of hunger for the fanboys to be happy. What’s more, the new feature may just add the right amount of spunk to a legend entering the ring. Like, say, Hulk Hogan or Triple H.
- Create more types of matches: We still miss the times when the matches, at least in real life, were of a lot more variety. To add some spice in life, we need variety. The same goes for the games we play as well. With such match types as Three Stages of Hell and Ambulance Matches, the gore will be substantial.
- Better Commentary: We are all fans of such legends as Jerry Lawler. We believe that he should be better utilized.
Wrap Up
In the end, we can only hope that the developers and publishers-now Visual Concepts and Yuke’s, and 2K Sports respectively- take note of this little WWE 2K18 wishlist. This will help them as well as the fans in enjoying the game even more.